Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer time

I was up early this morning so I stepped out on the patio to enjoy the morning while the rest of the house sleeps. The sun was still wending over the horizon then, her golden tendrils tinging the black robe of night with a luminescent edge.
Now, with the sun properly over the horizon though still hid behind apartment buildings, the world around me begins to stir.

While I have sat here, the chatter of birds has been filling the air much the same way the sun has. My own two nature spirits, Sheba and Sheena, have been sitting inside glaring at me, probably because they haven't had their gooshy food yet. They will survive a bit longer.
Like our agrarian ancestors, summer is a time for working on bringing things to fruition. I am working on several projects that I hope to bring to completion this season, projects that will see me through the winter months. It is a hectic season but there is always time to stop, take a breath and appreciate nature.

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